Acne Treatment Review

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The fact is that acne is a real source of emotional self-consciousness and insecurity for many, and has been very difficult condition the skin to treat many people who have developed resistance to conventional acne medications. It is not just a skin disease affecting children now, but is also major problem among adults too.

Speculation on everything from dietary factors, stress factors have been attributed to the place of adult acne events. In all cases, acne is a problem that affects young and old, and that is why the actual demand, treatments and natural remedies is so high now.

Acnezine is such an appeal, which uses the idea that antioxidants in large quantities makes it possible to fight against acne and purify the system so that acne is more likely to disappear on its own, but also heal your skin and acne lesions "calm" the skin from the inside. E 'come take a supplement of the skin which is all around good for your skin, acne and authorize the cleaning and impurities from the skin Internally, the fight against free radicals that are responsible for the inflammation that leads to acne (in fact, that is what is acne, inflammation!)

Now that you've had a lesson in antioxidants and free radicals, see what others say about Acnezine and why he received positive feedback of compensation to the skin while others have failed.

Unfortunately, current treatment systems to treat acne only topical acne work only for a short period of time that only address the causes of acne, not the problem. Acnezine is a treatment of acne that addresses and corrects imbalances in your body that cause acne vulgaris. Even if the results are usually in a month, the best and most permanent results are seen when this product is used for six months.

A review of how the pill Acnezine acne in the body

The technology behind Acnezine combines modern science and nature in the form of a product than many of its prescription counterparts, and very effective for many people who have found that non-traditional treatments in the long term. Acnezine not only to treat existing acne and prevent future outbreaks of time after the suspension, and helps heal bites and good acne, skin roughness and scars with powerful antioxidants and vitamin E. That is why I was constantly reviewed in a positive light on its current and former users - because the work of treatment of acne at the source, as well as clear redness and scars healing within the skin with herbal extracts and soothe the skin and soft inside.

Acnezine day is a natural acne pill has proved very effective in eradicating acne "clean" inside the skin, to get the problem of the natural balance of testosterone and estrogen in the male and female body. Excess testosterone and estrogen excess are the main causes of acne, therefore, the most common age for acne breakouts teenage years are the hormonal imbalance.

May Acnezine acne pills need only occasional treatment monitoring, while conventional methods normally require constant treatment, results and disappear once the person stops taking drugs.

Some medications prescribed acne can also be dangerous and should be taken only for the most serious cases of acne and with great caution (Accutane).

Acnezine is a powerful and pure natural mixture of antioxidants plant really clean the skin of impurities using the antioxidant power of the Interior. E 'strongly recommended to go six months of effective treatment and lasting results.

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Posted by ikki at 7:14 PM 0 comments  

How Hormonal Treatment for Acne Work?

Hormonal treatments, including oral contraceptives, have long been recognized by dermatologists to be an effective treatment option for women who have acne, no matter how severe.

For information about other acne treatments, click on Understand Your Acne Treatment Options.

Acne is thought to be initiated by the effect of masculinising hormones called "androgens" on oil glands that, during puberty, enlarge and become increasingly sensitive. This results in excessive oil secretion and blockage of pores, which leads to the initial non-inflamed spots of acne (whiteheads and blackheads). As the acne bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) proliferate, the oil-rich environment in the pores leads to inflammation which becomes visibly apparent as red pimples, pustules and lumps.

Hormonal therapy for acne is, therefore, meant to interrupt this initial phase of this cascading sequence of acne development. Such preparations include oral contraceptives such as Diane-35®, Tri-Cyclen®, Alesse®, and Yasmin®; and a non-contraceptive anti-androgen, spironolactone. To learn more about hormones and acne, click on Other Hormone Therapy.

Possible Relationships Between Hormones and Acne

Androgens that play a part in causing acne include 5-dihydrodrotestosterone (DHT), testosterone (T), androstenedione (A), and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S). The production of these androgens from ovaries and adrenal glands is mediated by gonadotrophins. Levels of testosterone are inversely related to levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), so that if T increases, SHBG decreases and when T is reduced, SHBG increases.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition found in women who have very high androgen and testosterone levels. Symptoms include obesity, infertility, scalp hair loss, increased facial and body hair, irregular periods, acne and elevated blood insulin levels. This condition affects 5-10% of women in their reproductive years. Clinical evaluation and blood testing can be performed to diagnose this disorder. In addition to exercise and weight control, hormonal therapy is often helpful in this condition.

Oral Contraceptives (OCs)

OCs, which contain estrogen and progestins, directly affect how much androgen your body produces and can therefore impact acne. Possible ways that estrogens may be working to improve acne include:

* Decreased production of adrenal (DHEA-S) and ovarian androgens (A, T);
* Inhibition of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which leads to a reduction of DHT levels;
* SHBG increase, which reduces levels of T.

Progestins vary in their androgenic or testosterone-like activity and may, therefore, have variable effects on acne. Progestins with the lowest androgenic activity are more appropriate in the treatment of acne and other disoders caused by increased androgen levels (desogestrel, norgestimate). Alternatively, cyproterone acetate - an antiandrogenic progesterone derivative - may be combined with the estrogen component.

Currently available OCs such as Diane-35®, Tri-Cyclen®, Alesse®, and Yasmin® contain progestins with minimal androgenic or anti-androgenic activity, providing an important therapeutic option for women with acne. Their proven effectiveness and long-term safety profile supports their use in various grades of acne in females:

* as additional therapy with topical agents for women who have mild, non-scarring acne and who desire oral contraception;
* as primary therapy in moderate, non-scarring acne in combination with topical therapy and systemic antibiotics;
* in scarring and severe inflammatory acne as one of two preferred methods of contraception in patients treated with systemic isotretinoin.

Clinical studies in acne patients treated with Tricyclen and Alesse show that acne spots were reduced by 40-50% over a course of 6 months. The extent of improvement may be greater with Diane-35 as patients in a Canadian acne survey generally considered Diane-35â to be more effective for treating acne than Tricyclenâ. Side effects common to all oral contraceptive preparations included breast tenderness, headache, and nausea. These were typically mild and tended to resolve by the second cycle. A newly approved oral contraceptive in Canada, Yasminâ, has been shown to be as effective as Diane-35â for treating acne.


Spironolactone, a synthetic steroid, is an anti-androgen that binds to the body's androgen receptors, thus blocking the androgens from binding to the cell receptors, inhibits 5-alpha-reductase enzyme activity and reduces androgen biosynthesis. Small studies using this agent for treating acne have been shown to be effective with few side effects, but larger studies are needed for confirmation.

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Posted by ikki at 6:35 PM 0 comments  

Finding The Best Acne Treatment

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The best acne removers may contain one or more acne-fighting ingredients. Benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and Retin-A are all proven acne fighters. How each works for you depends on a couple of different factors such as the type of acne you have and the sensitivity of your skin.

Benzyl Peroxide - The majority of over-the-counter treatments for acne contain benzyl peroxide. When the oil in sebaceous glands builds up inside the hair follicle, bacteria flourishes and it is this bacterium that ultimately causes acne. This acne remover works by breaking down the dead skin cells, clearing the opening for the sebaceous glands. In addition to clearing away the dead cells, it also goes to work on the bacteria itself. Benzyl peroxide has been found to work best in concentrations of at least 10 percent. It is a topical medication with instructions that must be strictly adhered to in order for best results. Using it in excess can cause severe dry skin and lead to more skin problems.

Salicylic Acid - This acne remover is a 'beta hydroxy'. It is most commonly referred to as aspirin, though it is used in a different form for treating acne. Salicylic acid works as by exfoliating the skin and reducing inflammation. It comes in creams, lotions, gels, washes and pads. Keep in mind that only one formula should be used at any given time. That is, if you use a wash that contains this beta hydroxy, do not then use a gel. In fact, it is not a good idea to use salicylic acid along with benzyl peroxide as using both together will promote severe skin dryness.

Retin-A (tretinoin) - Perhaps most popular for its anti-aging properties, this retinoid is one of the best acne removers available as well. Not only does it fight acne, it helps to prevent new eruptions and can reduce the appearance of acne scarring. If other treatments are not working for you, Retin-A may be just the treatment you need for your mild to severe acne problem. Because Retin-A is a derivative of vitamin A, be careful not to take extra dosages while you are using this acne remover. Retin-A can only be obtained by prescription. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions to the letter. Because it is so powerful, your skin may dry out easily. Be sure to use a light moisturizer while you are using this product.

Irrespective of how much you read up on tips for finding the best acne remover, keep in mind that all of these acne remover treatments take time to work. You can expect to use them for a few weeks before you see any long-term changes in your skin. Always use them according to the instructions and if you note any severe side-effects, stop using immediately and ask your doctor about another acne remover you might try.

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Posted by ikki at 11:21 PM 0 comments  

The Popular Way Curing Various Acne

Monday, February 9, 2009

Laser skin treatment is a popular way of treating various types of skin problem such as acne, wrinkles, birthmarks, sun damage skin, unwanted hair etc. This treatment is carried out under a local anesthetic to rejuvenate the face. It stimulates the growth of new collagen, remove shallow scars, fine lines and reduce wrinkles. The skin laser burns the outer layer of the skin to reveal younger looking skin. This laser also heats deeper layer of the skin that stimulates the growth of new collagen. This treatment is not recommended for people with dark skin.

The laser skin treatment helps people to get rid of unwanted hair on the body and face. Although it does not guarantee permanent removal of hair, but it does help to slow down their growth and also works well for removing thick and coarse hair, especially on the face. The procedure of laser treatment has also been found effective for the treatment of acne and wrinkles. It can be safely used anywhere on the body wherever the problem exists. It is also safe to be used on the face except too close to the eyes. Laser skin treatment is effective for many types of skin problem such as acne including whiteheads, blackheads and pimples.

Laser treatments are common, easy and give good results. This treatment not only rejuvenates the skin but also removes warts and scars, lines and wrinkles. The only condition with this treatment is that patient should not have any kind of skin problems. Patient can be of any age and the time required to heal the skin depends on the individual skin type and health condition.

Laser skin treatment is aimed precisely the affected area and treated by creating the new skin. This treatment is performed with local anesthesia and can be competed in half an hour to two hours depending upon the area to be treated. The face of the patient is covered with sterile gauze, which is continuously kept moist with frequent face washing with mild vinegar, or saline. The area will also be covered with vaseline or some other similar medication. One can use ice packs to prevent swelling and scab formation. The patient will require care of the skin in the first couple of days till the old skin peels off and the new one is formed.

After the laser skin treatment, the new skin formed will be blemish less, that is there will be no scars, no wrinkles or lines. The skin colour may be pink or reddish, depending upon the original skin color of the patient. Redheads and blondes take a longer time to come back to normal skin. Special care should be taken of the rejuvenated skin. It should not be exposed to the direct hot sun and adequate care has to be taken to keep the skin free from getting infected. After a couple of months the rejuvenated skin will look good and the effect of the treatment will last for at least a couple of years.

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Posted by ikki at 12:33 AM 0 comments  

Fast Acne Cure

Are you sick of suffering from acne? Would you like to know how to cure your acne overnight? Or at least learn how to cure it in 72 hours or less? Acne can be an emotional condition as well as a physical skin ailment. Because acne can be such an emotional problem, people want to find an acne cure or treatment that will work fast.

So-Called Fast Acne Cures

But unfortunately most so-called promised fast acne cures are too good to be true. You see many of the people selling the so-called miracle cures are preying on the emotional distress of those suffering from acne so that those looking for the cure will cough up their hard earned money for the so-called cure.

Many emotional affected by acne are seeing more clearly now that corporate acne pills, lotions, and potions are not truly effective and are more gimmicks than real results. People are seeing that these prescription treatments and drugs are all about the same. The only thing different about them is the way they are marketed to create sales within their corporate empires.

And since these mass-produced commercial acne products are not natural treatments, they can actually cause more harm than good.

All-Natural Fast Acne Cures?

So are there any real acne cures? Are there any real acne cures that are fast and legit? And finally are there any acne cures that are all-natural? These are the questions that run through the mind of someone fed up and emotional upset about having to remain a slave to acne.

Fortunately there are others who have suffered with acne and found the answers to those common acne cure questions.

Some of the initial research found on curing acne natural and fast safely includes some of the following answers.

1. Topical treatments or rather treatments that involve direct skin contact will not clear up acne.

2. Your acne must be cleansed from the inside instead. It cannot be cleansed from the outside.

3. Acne is mainly caused by toxins contained from within your body. Acne is a direct result of having a toxic body.

4. The fastest way to cure acne is by detoxifying your inner vessel.

Detoxifying Your Body?

A fast and safe way to cleanse your inner vessel of built of toxins is to drink lots of water. Combining the cleansing of your body with also keeping your stress levels down will clear up your acne. You can keep your stress levels in check by getting plenty of sleep and finding ways to relax.

But if detoxifying your body was as simple as only drinking lots of water than you probably wouldn't be reading to this point in this article on curing acne naturally because chances are you already tried drinking lots of water haven't you?

To truly detoxify your body if you contain a more potent and complex form of acne involves a very specific formula of all-natural ingredients that can be found around your kitchen already. This detailed formula for curing acne fast and naturally was invented or at least composed by Chris Gibson who was suffered with acne himself for over 10 years before researching a way to finally get the answers he needed to conquer his disease of acne forever.

This detailed formula claims to clear up your acne in 3 days or less. Is it too good to be true? Well his cure has sold over 100,000 copies and is the most popular all natural cure as far as volume of copies sold.

Mr. Gibson's natural acne cure guide may just be what you are looking for to cure your acne almost overnight. 3 days as claimed by Chris Gibson isn't exactly overnight but almost.

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Posted by ikki at 12:04 AM 0 comments  

Cure and Prevent Acne Scars

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Apart from the irritation and trauma that a sufferer has to face because of acne, there is yet another element which causes him as much, if not more, agony. This pertains to the scars that acne often brings in its wake. Trying to prevent these and then trying to eliminate them once they have appeared, is a cause of great concern to the concerned individual. The reason for so much concern is that while acne is thought to be a temporary condition, the lesions and scars which form are perceived to be of a more permanent nature.

There are, no doubt, treatments available these days which are quite effective, but some types of acne cause deep scarring which aren`t possible to cure. This is why, to avoid the psychological trauma and the expenses of trying to treat the lesions and living with the disfigurement, it is so important to avert acne scarring.

What I will try to do here is to talk about the various types of acne scars and to give you advice on how to treat them. But primarily, I will guide you on how to prevent these scars in the first place by eradicating the root cause of your acne.

The Causes and Types of Acne Scars and their diagnosis
Studies indicate that acne scars mostly come about as a result of severe acne which causes nodules and cysts to form in the deeper layers of the dermis. Other causes include damage caused to the skin by picking or popping acne, infection, cystic acne which works its way deep into the dermis and overgrown skin tissues.

It has also been found that some people, irrespective of the type of acne they contract, are more prone to the process of scarring. And acne scars sometimes occur because the body`s wound healing process sometimes goes askew, whether it be an improper deposit of collagen or the formation of new capillaries or a warped response to the inflammation or anabolic and catabolic phases: all these are meant to be part of the body`s natural healing phase.

Whatever the reason, the bottom line is that, if you do not wish to be permanently scarred by acne, treat the damage as soon as you can.

In essence, acne scars are of two types. Scars which have formed due to an increase in skin tissue formation and those which have formed because of a loss of skin tissue.

Scars which form because of an increase in skin tissue:

Where there are increased skin tissues, the most commonly found acne scars are Keloids scars. These scars are more likely to be found on people with dark skins and appear when an excess of collagen is formed by cells as part of the healing process. These scars are usually smooth and are shaped irregularly.

Scars which form because of the loss of skin tissues:

Acne spots: the skin surrounding these scars generally turn brown or red. In most cases they gradually fade away by themselves or after the application of some topical scar treatment. A similar fading away can be noticed in the case of post inflammatory hyper pigmentation but the use of MSM has often hastened the process.

Ice-pick lesions: as the name suggests, these acne scars look like ice which has been riddled with an ice pick. Most commonly they appear on the cheeks and the scars can sometimes be deep and sometimes superficial. These scars are more difficult to get rid of than acne spots.

Depressed fibrotic scarring: these scars mostly form as a result of deep nodules and are white and rigid. They are characterized by steep sides and sharp margins.

Atrophic scar macules: scars of this variety are generally soft, small and white and are distensible.
Other types of scars include rolling acne scars which come about because the surface of the skin gets stuck to the subcutaneous layer. Also, there are boxcar scars which are characterized by vertical edges and round indentations.

Treatment of Acne Scars

Just as the discoloration that accompanies an acne attack fades away slowly, so do most acne scars. However, some scars prove more difficult to smoothen away and require some manner of treatment whether it be topical treatment or surgical cosmetic intervention.

Different scars require to be tackled differently. And there are even scars which require to be treated using a combination of more than one elimination method. A large number of treatments exist for smoothening over scars and these include: pulsed laser technology, dermabrasion, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, punch techniques, collagen injections and creams.

Collagen injection involves injecting collagen or fat under the skin. This treatment is generally administered in the case of soft scars, whether deep or shallow. However, the effects of collagen are not long lasting and injections have to be repeated every 6 months. Also, it should be noted that collagen has some adverse side effects and allergic reactions could also develop.

Microdermabrasion is where tiny particles are passed through a vacuum tool with the purpose of scraping the external top layer of the skin. This process, which is only effective with mild scarring, acts as a stimulant and enhances the growth of new cells.

Laser resurfacing is a treatment involving the flattening and resurfacing of the skin layer by the use of laser thus making the scars more even with the surface of the skin. This, to an extent, camouflages the scars. However, this method often causes undesirable side effects such as infection, a reddening of the skin and can sometimes even aggravate the scars. Studies have indicated that laser treatment works better on newly formed scars rather than on old ones.

Punch grafting means slicing open the acne scar right up to the fat layer and stitching it up by means of a small skin graft.

We give you the recommended treatments for the various types of scars acne brings in its wake. Post hyper pigmentation marks are best tackled with MSM or Alpha lipoic acid acne cream. Dermabrasion or laser resurfacing is the suggested treatment for ice pick scars. Flat or thin scars should be dealt with by administering Collagen injections, which should not be used for ice pick scars. Keloids acne scars can be brought under control with steroid injections, silicone gel dressing, crytotherapy or pulsed laser treatment combined with carbon dioxide laser vaporization (where the keloid scar is not too red or too thick).

Prevention of Scars after Acne

Ideally, acne scar treatments should be tried as a last resort because they are highly expensive and have too many side effects. The best approach would be to first try and get rid of the acne. This will work only if you identify the imbalance in your system which is causing the acne. Try to cure it by using natural methods and avoid taking topical acne treatments, medication that is available over the counter or steroids.

Once you have corrected the internal symptoms that caused the acne, you will notice the acne disappearing gradually without leaving any scars.

Moreover, you will be saved the expenses and harassment of taking treatments that cannot cure the acne permanently.

We already know that acne and its resultant scarring are not a skin problem but are caused by internal imbalances. Once that is fixed there will be no acne and consequently no acne scarring.

If you succeed in nipping the acne forming process from its roots then you will not have any acne scars to deal with either. In this way you will be permanently free from acne and acne scars and enjoy a flawless complexion forever.

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Posted by ikki at 11:50 PM 0 comments