Different Product Different Result...(the different acne product)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Acne is a skin disease that is caused by a type of bacteria called P.acnes. The oil that is produced by the glands in the skin attracts the dirt and hence provides a favorable environment for the bacteria to increase in number. This causes infection resulting in inflammation in the skin. Pimples are developed as a result and they look like small nodules on the surface of the skin. These pimples spoil the look of the person and also cause pain in some cases. Acne is commonly found in teenagers during the stages of their puberty. This type of acne will disappear naturally when the boy or the girl crosses the teenage. Acne is also found in adults of the age thirty and forty. For these people specific treatments have to be taken so that the complexion of the skin is maintained.

Various acne products are available in the market for curing acne. These medicines are either ointments that are applied externally or pills that are consumed internally. For teens these products are sufficient to cure their mild acne but they are not suitable for adults. Adult acne can be cured only with the help of dedicated treatment that involves various cosmetic therapies.

The actual cause for acne is still unknown while for teens acne is mainly caused by the hormonal changes in the body. The food habit also has a major influence in causing the disease. When people take items that contain more oil, the sebaceous glands are activated to produce more sebum. The excess secretion of sebum results in the formation of pimples causing acne. Acne will become severe if the symptoms appear on unhealthy skin. When dirt is allowed to settle down on the skin for a long time, it blocks the pores thus creating acne. It is always better to maintain a dirt free skin to prevent acne. Use of cosmetics is also a major reason for acne in adults. The creams that are used in the make up stick to the skin blocking the pores. As a result the dirt is clogged up in the pores and the bacteria multiply leading to acne.

While choosing acne products you must know the ingredients of the product. Generally creams, gels and ointments are used as products for treating acne. These creams reduce the secretion of sebum and fights against the bacteria to cure acne. Doctors suggest the use of creams containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid for treating pimples as they are very effective. You must read the labels before buying the product to know what is included in the creams. Many of these creams will claim to have 98% nutrients for the kin and these nutrients will be present only in the outer layer. Some manufacturers may call their product as a natural one but actually these will be made of extracts from natural substances. You have to be careful while choosing these natural products. You can choose a cream that contains organic products. Organic products are safe for the skin and organic creams contain 95% organic substances and 5% water.

The acne products that are effective with one person need not have the same effect with the other person. This is because each of us has a different skin type and different products have to be used accordingly. For some people use of wrong acne products created harmful effects. For oily skin types gels should be used. If you have a normal skin you can choose any product that is found to be effective.

A good acne product must reduce the itchiness after applying over the pimples. You must not get irritation in the skin when you apply the cream on your pimples. If you have a pain or irritation then you must understand that the product is not suitable for your skin. Persons with sensitive skin should not try our acne products on their own. The product you buy must be feasible in terms of cost and cure. However none of the acne products are found to have immediate results. You need to follow the treatment for about 8 months to cure acne completely. You should not find discoloration in your skin after using the acne product. When you choose the right product for your skin you can cure your acne. Otherwise you have to visit the doctor for some other skin problem.

Scratching the pimples for clearing them off is a very bad habit that will intensify the problem. Many teenagers do this and they are left with permanent scars of acne. The modern medicine has therapies that can remove the acne scares completely.

Various home remedies are available as acne products. Vegetables and fruits must be taken in large quantities to nourish the skin form inside. Sandalwood oil is an ancient treatment for acne that is found to be very effective. Rosewood seed oil and tea leaves are also effective to cure the itchiness in the skin due to acne. Natural products in the kitchen are found to be effective against the pimples. But if you have already developed whiteheads and blackheads you must go for the medicines to cure acne. These home remedies are good for mild acne problems but for severe acne a dermatologist will prescribe medicines.

When you have symptoms of mild acne you must start using the acne products. Ayurvedic products are also found to be very effective. If your acne forms pustules and nodes it will become difficult to cure them with acne products. You must go for intensive treatments for removing the pimples. To treat the irregularities caused by the removal, various treatments like laser treatments are available that will let you regain your original complexion. However of you start treating acne at the early stages you can escape from the scars, otherwise you will have to spend more for removal of the scars. Teenagers can use the acne products for treating acne since they will have only mild acne, but for adults intensive treatments are required.

Posted by ikki at 12:03 AM  

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